Does the UV LED light source have a long service life?
The UV LED light source can last up to 20,000 hours or more. When LEDs emit more energy, they also generate more heat, which needs to be processed. Heat treatment technology can remove excess heat from the system and provide uniform and stable operating temperature for the diode to achieve good performance and prolong lamp life.
In order to improve the luminous efficiency and service life of LED, solving the problem of heat dissipation of LED products is one of the important topics at this stage. The development of LED industry also focuses on high power, high brightness and small size LED products. Therefore, ceramic substrates with high heat dissipation and precise size will become the trend of future development of LED heat dissipation substrates. At the present stage, ceramic substrates are used to replace copper or aluminum substrates, or eutectic or cladding processes are used to replace the combination of grains and substrates to improve the luminous efficiency of LED.
Futansi produces ultraviolet LED point light source, ultraviolet LED line light source, ultraviolet LED surface light source, ultraviolet LED oven, ultraviolet LED curing oven, ultraviolet LED tunnel oven and ultraviolet oven.

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