The Important Role of UV LED Wavelength
Most UV LED curing involves two ranges of wavelength working at the same time. Short wavelength works on the surface and long wavelength works on the deep layer of ink or coating. This theorem is due to the fact that the short wavelength is absorbed in the surface layer and cannot reach the deep layer. The shortage of short wave exposure will lead to surface adhesion; the shortage of long wave energy will lead to poor adhesion. Each formulation and film thickness benefits from an appropriate short and long wavelength energy rate. The most basic mercury lamp emits energy in these two ranges, but its intense emission at short wavelengths makes it particularly suitable for coatings and thin ink layers. Highly absorbent materials, such as adhesives and screen inks, are better formulated for long-wave curing using long-wave light triggers. Lamps used to solidify these materials contain additives and mercury, which emits more UV under long-wave UV. These long-wave tubes also radiate some short-wave energy, enough to cope with surface curing. But in the process of using mercury lamp, a large part of the mixed wavelength is wasted, and the curing effect is only a small part of the relevant wavelength. Therefore, UV mercury lamp is a high-energy-consuming curing equipment, which is not advisable in the energy-saving and environmental protection era.
Many special applications, such as curing a large number of materials containing titanium oxide as a pigment additive, or curing through plastics or glass, require long-wave curing, because these materials almost completely hinder short-wave curing. So for curing objects like this, it is necessary to use pure wavelength light source, UV LED light source.
Futansi(Shanghai) Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in the development, production, sales and technical services of uvled, UVLED line light source, UVLED surface light source, UVLED point light source, UVLED point light source, UVLED light source, UVLED curing machine, UVLED oven. It is a professional manufacturer of UVLED point light source, UVLED manufacturer and UVLED manufacturer.

Previous:UVLED ultraviolet oven
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