Application of UV LED irradiator curing material printing in
There are three ways to use a printer in a printing workshop: ingestion, inhalation and skin contact. Generally speaking, UV curable inks, UV coatings and UV adhesives have very few toxic substances. Of course, we do not recommend to put these substances
In the entrance. However, poor hygiene practices can cause these substances to enter the mouth accidentally. For example, don't wash your hands before you wash them. Touching food and drink can cause a small amount of toxic substances to enter your mouth. It's good to follow the following health habits
It is easy to avoid this problem, that is, whether you are exposed to UV LED irradiator ink or traditional ink, you must be careful to avoid chemicals entering your mouth.
One of the main problems with traditional printing materials is that chemicals contain volatile and volatile substances, which are inhaled by workers in printing shops. The typical UV ink composition does not contain solvents and volatile substances, so human health is very small.
The following table compares the toxicity and chemical properties of several typical UV curing materials and several solvents.
TMPTA is a kind of trimethylacrylate, which is widely used in UV curing materials and electron beam curing materials. In many low light ink and electron beam curing materials, the molecular weight of copolymers is far greater than that of other copolymers. But list in table
The resulting copolymers have the same chemical properties as many copolymers.
The irradiator of UVLED irradiator does not use lamp preheating and does not contain toxic mercury. The surface light source of traditional high-pressure mercury lamp uses hundreds of watts or even thousands of watts for about 10 minutes, and the lamp contains toxic mercury. UVLED surface light source is a substitute of traditional light source technology,
It is a safer and more environmentally friendly choice, which meets the requirements of energy conservation and environmental protection.
Compared with the traditional high-pressure mercury lamp, the volume of the ultraviolet irradiation controller is relatively small, which makes the equipment installation simpler and reduces the floor area of the production site. Fully consider the requirements of precise production space, install equipment, small camera and fan cooling design
Add convenience, fully protect led long-term exposure to energy stability and service life.
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